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M.V.P. Session Booking Blueprint
M.V.P. Session vs. "Ripple" Session
Welcome and Orientation
What We Will Create (5:28)
Module 0: Pre-Course Exercise
Pre-Course Exercise (8:08)
Module Downloads
Module 1: Planning Your Ripple Session
Intro (2:15)
L1: Key Decisions (8:40)
L2: Choose Your Type (4:25)
L3: Broad Category (6:11)
L4: Get Specific (6:15)
L5 Part 1: Define Your Bullseye Benefit (2:49)
L5 Part 2: Define Your Bullseye Benefit (3:23)
Module 2: Packaging Your Ripple Session
M2L0 Intro (6:38)
M2L1 The Flavor (7:57)
M2L2 The Ingredients (32:02)
M2L3-P1-3 Packaging (14:29)
M2L3-P4-Logo Creation (8:13)
M2L4 Your Session Offer (20:20)
M2L5 Create Your Session Web Page (3:42)
Module 3: Powerful Promotion
M3L0: Intro (1:50)
M3L1: Become the Only Choice (11:19)
M3L2: Prove Your Point (15:00)
M3L3 Part 1: Craft Your Content (20:39)
M3L3 Part 2: Content Walk-Through (15:57)
M3L4: Complete Your Session Page (14:55)
M3L5 Deploy and Repurpose (24:37)
M3L5 Part 2: 7-Day Tasks (3:09)
Module 4: Optimize Bookings
M4L0: Intro (5:55)
M4L1: The Inquiry Formula (14:14)
M4L2 Part 1: Objections as Marketing (7:15)
M4L2 Part 2: Video Walkthrough Objections P1 (19:06)
M4L2 Part 3: Video Walkthrough Objections P2 (18:56)
M4L2 Part 4: Marketing and Transitions (45:43)
M4L3: FAQ as Marketing (8:18)
M4L4: A Historic vs Modern Conversation - Value Online vs. Phone (7:01)
Module 5: Amplify
M5L0: Intro (2:49)
M5L1: Pre-Session Excitement (8:49)
M5L2: Session Stage (9:05)
M5L3: Post-Session Stage (8:25)
M5L4 P1: Website and Extras (2:56)
M5L4 P2: Website and Extras (10:35)
M5L5: Final Words - Get Inspired! (3:40)
M5L0: Intro
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